We’re advocating for the end to all war, and its replacement with a just and sustainable peace. We expose the myths of war, and illuminate the proven nonviolent, peaceful alternatives that can bring us authentic security.

It is a fact that wars kill, maim, traumatize, and displace millions of innocent civilians. It is a fact that war and preparations for war make us less safe by fueling hatred, resentment, and blowback from victimized peoples. It is a fact that militarism is one of the biggest polluters on the planet, with the U.S. military topping the charts as the largest institutional consumer of oil and largest landholder in the world. Just 3% of U.S. annual military spending, or 1.5% of global spending, could end starvation on earth.
It is also true that nonviolent resistance is twice as successful as armed resistance. That a dollar spent on education and health care produces more jobs than the same dollar spent in the war industry. And that demilitarization is underway, as 25 countries have already disbanded their militaries altogether.
“Just as climate justice activists are beginning to see the weapons industry as a major driver of climate change, Indigenous solidarity activists need to deepen our understanding and analysis of the role of the weapons industry in the violation of Indigenous rights,” says Brent Patterson, Executive Director of Peace Brigades International-Canada. Therefore, we demand divestment, disarmament, and demilitarization – the redirection of resources to human and environmental needs and the decolonization of our cultures as we convert to a peaceful, green, & just future.
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